Staying Focused When Working From Home

Staying Focused When Working From Home

Do you ever sit down to get to work and end up just staring at your task list not knowing where to start? Find yourself thinking about all the work you have to do, but can’t seem to focus on one thing at a time. Besides having a lot of self-discipline and time...
Keeping Up With Social Media

Keeping Up With Social Media

Tip 1: Read Social Media News Sites Via RSS Feed Aggregators RSS feeds are published and updated in real-time, so if you subscribe to a site’s RSS feed, you’ll always have access to the newest published content. That can be handy for news sites and...
Work to Live or Live to Work?

Work to Live or Live to Work?

Maybe Find Some Mindfulness. Finding a balance between your needs and your workday can be difficult. By practicing mindfulness, you can experience release from the anxiety and stress of life and work. Mindfulness is paying attention, deliberately and non-judgmentally...
April is Mathematics and Statistics Awareness Month

April is Mathematics and Statistics Awareness Month

Mathematics and Statistics Keep the World Spinning! Mathematics and Statistics Awareness Month is held each year in April. Its goal is to increase public understanding of and appreciation for mathematics and statistics. Mathematics and Statistics Awareness Month began...
Feeling Colors

Feeling Colors

In the last week, I’ve been sick, my dog died, my son broke his arm and had to have surgery on it. It’s been so tough I feel like a country song should be written about it. One thing I continue to notice during tough times, good times, and even dull times is that the...
The Power of Vacation

The Power of Vacation

With technology, we can work from practically anywhere in the world. It makes stepping away from your everyday routine easy without risking your livelihood. But sometimes it is nice to fully step away from technology, except for maybe a camera, and detox. Before I...