Focus! Focus! Focus!

By Bibi Goldstein I’m sure many people can agree that there are plenty of opportunities to get distracted all day long. Between email, social media, text messages and phone calls it can be very difficult to get any project done. Working with individuals and...

Prospect to Client: Make the Process Painless

Do you know how much the consultations you do this month could be valued at – in real dollars – next month? Do you know how long it takes for you to convert a prospect to a client? Better yet, do you know what it costs you to gain a client? Or to lose a client? Most...

Time For An Email Inbox Cleanse

How many emails are sitting in your inbox right now? How do you feel when you sit down to work on your emails? Picture this: if you had 3000 pieces of paper in a physical inbox sitting on your desk, what would that feel like? Your email inbox is meant to be the same...

Why Do We Make Lists?

I was recently doing a strategy session with a client via Skype and usually don’t even use the video functionality because we are sharing screens so it could be distracting sometimes with the video. On this particular call we were using video and talking about...

Technology Evolution

I remember when I was a little girl how cool it was when we went from the avocado green rotary dial telephone to the beige push button phone. But then we went to the phone where the digits were in the handset then finally to the cordless phone and now most of us don’t...

Survivor and Business

I have watched every season of Survivor since it began 14 years ago, but as I have been watching this particular season I feel like I’m seeing it through different eyes. Entrepreneur eyes. It has been fascinating for me to see the parallel between Survivor and...