
Changing the Way You Do Things

They say it takes about 2 weeks to make or break a habit. They say it is tougher to change our habits as we get older. They say we pick up bad habits much easier than good ones. Well I say they are wrong. I believe we can change anything we WANT and are READY to...

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If you’re an 80’s child like me you might remember this show about a family that had three kids and were constantly going through something with each of them. It was a sit-com and meant to be funny. It’s not so funny when it relates to business, especially your own...

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Marketing Automation

What is marketing automation? It is technology that allows businesses to automate and streamline marketing functions so they can use their resources in a more efficient manner and increase their revenue in the process. Marketing automation software like Infusionsoft...

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We All Need Some Down Time!

I just love that word “Downtime”. Recently I was able to take advantage of a few days off and head to Palm Springs with my husband. Unfortunately, he had to work most of the time we were there. I found myself with a lot of time to myself, literally by myself. My...

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Help – The Other 4 Letter Word

Most entrepreneurs think their main focus should be about getting customers, then about getting more customers.  What most of us don't factor in or think we can do ourselves is all the other administrative work and customer service that is required in maintaining...

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Setting Up Your Workspace For Success

When I sit down at my desk I want to feel like I’m ready to get going, get working, because I have everything I need at my fingertips. I believe that quality of work and productivity are absolutely affected by our surroundings, especially having quick access to the...

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Prioritizing and Deadlines

PRIORITIZING AND DEADLINES   By Bibi Goldstein Knowing how to prioritize work and meet deadlines would be easy if everything had a built in hard deadline. Then, when a task or project becomes your responsibility and you can put it on your to do list in the order...

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Life in a Day, 15 Minutes at a Time

By Bibi Goldstein Do you ever feel like you don't have enough time in the day to get through all the things you need to get done? My philosophy is doing things in smaller chunks helps you get through your day faster. Here's an outline of what a typical day for me...

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Ever Evernote™?

By Bibi Goldstein I want to introduce you to my new favorite productivity tool; it is the place where I mostly manage my notes but I figured out quickly all the other bells and whistles. The basic concept of Evernote™ is an easy to use organized way of keeping notes....

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You Can’t Buy The Love Of A Good Client

By: Bibi Goldstein One of my favorite movies from the 80’s is “Can’t Buy Me Love;” believe it or not there are some great lessons in business in this movie. I mean here was this ingenious kid who figured out a very enterprising way to make himself popular. He had a...

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