
My Favorite Time Of The Year

I guess it’s a good thing I live in Southern California where the weather seasons are pretty non-existent because my favorite time of the year and the only season that I really look forward to is football season. I appreciate all sports and athletes that work hard to...

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It’s called INSIGHT-ful, for a reason… It’s now common knowledge to any serious businessman that social media is starting to play a huge role in the way a business not only builds its presence but in the way they interact with their consumers and clientele. Social...

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Do you have soft skills?

Whether you interact with your customers in person, on the phone, via email or online chat, it's important that you be able to relate to others on a human level and that they feel as if they are interacting with someone they can trust and who genuinely is interested...

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Take the Time to Reset & Recharge

3 weeks off work has allowed me to reset and recharge. I spent the time travelling with 20 family members, 7 of which were kids and 3 of which I am responsible for, so relaxing was not in the cards. Actually, I didn’t mind the unrelaxing time. We got to travel and be...

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Why outsourcing can help you grow your business

Outsourcing to a VA company rather than hiring employees is becoming more and more popular these days. Many companies are now doing this as it offers more than one benefit to help you grow your business. One benefit is that outsourcing is a cost-effective way to grow...

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Branding Your Video

YouTube recently revealed at their press events that its users upload upload 500 hours of video per minute! I repeatedly tell my clients that video is so important for their social media and this is the exact reason why.  Pictures are being viewed less and don’t get...

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What Colors Mean

There are colors all around us and they all make us feel differently. Have you noticed that certain places, like spas and doctors have a lot of blue, purple and green in their decor and other places, like restaurants or stores have red, orange and yellow? This is...

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Shifting Gears: Out with the Old, in with the New | Part 2

A couple of weeks ago I wrote about what we did when facing a surprise situation. I broke down the steps we took to find a new management software that would meet all our needs when we were informed that the program we had been using for nearly 12 years was going to...

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Shifting Gears: Out with the Old, in with the New

Is there a program you’ve been using since you opened your doors for business? One that you have sworn you’d never let go of? One that does everything you need it to do exactly how you need it done? It’s a rarity but when it happens you just know. For Buying Time, One...

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When Was The Last Time You Did Something For The First Time?

When I saw this question posted on Facebook recently it really made me think “so when was it”? When was the last time I did something without fear of making a mistake or feeling like it would be a waste of time if I failed? I really started to contemplate this and...

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