How to stay focused when you work from home.
Working from home presents a variety of opportunities. For me, I get to have my two big fluffy dogs cuddled up at my feet while I work. I mean, I can also do laundry on my breaks and maintain the house, sure. But for me, the best perk is seeing my fiancé on his days...
2020 was More Virtual than Ever!
Our team of Virtual Assistants is like a family, literally. We create and sustain a healthy and happy company culture through team-building and personal development. Sure, we all come from diverse backgrounds with unique skill sets and experiences, but we bring it all...
Opt In Strategies
What makes you want what someone has to offer? This is the first question I encourage everyone to ask themselves when they set up their opt-in strategies on their website. There is a trend in December and January where most people overuse the "unsubscribe" links in...
Ways to Promote Your Business in 2021—With or Without Money
In order for your business to survive and grow, you need customers. In order to get customers, you need to promote your business. In today’s digital world, the possibilities are endless!! The most common ways are: Search engines (namely, Google Search and Maps)....
What Is a 1099 Form and Who Gets Them?
Wondering whom you need to supply with a 1099 for 2020? Confused about the difference between a Form W-2 and a Form 1099? There are a few important differences between the two forms, the main one being an employee gets a Form W-2 and an independent contractor making...
Expand Your Mind
Is it coincidence or planned that Self Improvement Month and schools starting back are both in September? Our children are improving themselves (whether they like it or not) by learning more every day. With school being virtual, they are learning to be more...
Top 3 Tips for Google Chrome
This is my first blog I am writing that is not about VIDEO, and it feels weird! But these are three tips I have found myself talking to about regularly. And I hope they can help you too! 1. How to find passwords stored on your computer. Have you logged into Facebook...
Saying Goodbye is never easy, but this will help.
So it seems that most of you with new clients know all about sending an inviting welcome with all the details to them to get your new relationship off to a great start but do you have the same to send when it is time to say GOODBYE?
7 Ways to Save Money as a Small Business Owner
When customers are scarce and you are having a hard time paying your bills, you need to start saving your cash. There are many ways to reduce the amount of money flowing out of your business—and implementing just a few of these can make a big difference. Change Up...
Organize Your Business and Change Your Life
One of the quickest ways to let overwhelm creep in on you when it comes to your business is to let organization go out the window. Being organized and having a proper system in place to keep track of your to-do’s will bring clarity for your day, week, month, etc.,...