My husband says this a lot as a joke, but I think often about the fact that the two real words of “Underwhelmed” and “Overwhelmed” should really have something between them. We are often underwhelmed in our life as entrepreneurs. We go to listen to speakers we feel...

Boundaries, Why We Need Them

It never surprises me when I meet someone who blurs the boundary lines in multiple areas of their lives because it happens so naturally, especially if you have a home office. Do you schedule specific time to dedicate to yourself or your family? What I’m finding is...

Time, Spend It If You Got It!

Wikipedia defines Time management as “the act or process of planning and exercising conscious control over the amount of time spent on specific activities, especially to increase effectiveness, efficiency or productivity”. The part of this definition that is the most...

It's Not Wrong It's Just Different

As many entrepreneurs, I have found myself with many deadlines that waited until the 11th hour. I prioritized deadlines with only one criteria; if it’s for a client it goes to the top of the list. I’ve on several occasions tried to convince myself that I...