Reaching the Summit

May 29, 2013

freeimage2728029webThere’s something so powerful about being in a room full of inspired and motivated women. I recently had the privilege of being a part of Today’s Innovative Woman’s Success Summit and Expo in Dallas, TX (Los Angeles is in September 2013). There were also a couple of very smart men that attended and were very engaged throughout the event. The speakers were all captivating, inspirational and practical in their messages. The room was electric with networking, masterminding, and engagement in hearing each others journeys to this point.
I have been to every Success Summit for the last 5 years and this one was up there with all the rest as a continued life changing experience for me. You see, 5 years ago when I attended my first one I met the woman who would go on to be my business coach for the last 5 years Joy Chudacoff. I also learned about this amazing book by Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich. And every year after I have made connections and learned things that I will carry with me for a very long time, like when Debbie Delgado asked us last year if we were truly living congruently in our lives.
The first night I arrived in Dallas for this event 10 tornadoes touched ground and I had one of the worst flying experiences of my life landing there. Through it all the woman whos brainchild is this summit, Cathy Alessandra spent the night in the Austin airport just trying to get to Dallas. What incredible speakers, attendees and exhibitors she brought together for all to benefit from each other.
I had been going through something extremely painful emotionally with my extended family, so that combined with the flight and messages from the event once again reminded me of something Cathy says often about why it’s so important to get out from behind the computer.
I’m the first one on the “I’m too busy” bandwagon, but the energy and rejuvenation that these conferences and especially the women inspired ones gives us is priceless. Take the time, spend the money and climb that mountain – it is incredibly worth it when you see the view.