3 Simple Tips for an Effective Filing System

Can’t find the manual for your blue tooth, or a client contract? Follow these 3 simple steps when setting up or re-doing your filing system and you’ll be able to find everything you need quickly and easily.      1. Use colored file folders to set up...

A Mini Vacation at LAX

Last week Bibi and I traveled to Florida for a 3-day seminar put on by Suzanne Evans. We started the morning at 5am and arrived at the airport to see about 100 people standing in the doorway of the airline we were taking.  An airline employee noticed our bewildered...

Get Over It

Do you ever have those moments when you realize something about yourself and you really don’t want it to be true? Self Help, Self Development, Self Exploration; whatever you call it can sometimes take you places you didn’t know existed. Previous to being a...

Bright New Shiny Beginnings

As we all look forward to upcoming celebrations, taking time off and spending time with family and friends, this time of year also reminds us that there are bright new shiny beginnings on the horizon. Many of us will make the standard resolutions in the new year; to...